UQ SmartCampus

Home Survey Info

About the UV Index

UQ SmartCampus

About the Survey

Conducted by: James Cooney (Engineering honours thesis student)

Supervised by: Dr Alex Pudmenzky (Thesis Supervisor)

The purpose of this survey is to determine the following:

-What prior knowledge to people have about the dangers of sun exposure
-Whether the UV Index sign will cause people to improve their sun protection habits
-Whether people like the sign

The Information gathered during this survey will potentially be used to make improvements to the UV Index sign or result in more UV Index signs installed in different locations. Information provided by you is confidential and anonymous. Your response cannot be used to identify who you are. You are free to not submit this survey if you wish. Once your completed survey has been received, you are unable to retract your submission due to the anonymity of your response.
